The  activity in this week is counterfactual identity. We need to wear different clothes and ask people questions when we walking around the campus. So I dressed in three different style of clothes in three days when I was in this activity. And here are only some simple questions when I got a short meeting with classmates.


Day one:

1. Q: What do you think my name would be? A: Sarah, Jessie, Candice, Ivy, Peggy

2. Q: What do you think my major would be? A: Communication, Art, Physics, Economy, engineering

3. Q: What do you think my personality would be? A: Out-going, ebullient, zealous,

4. Q: What do you think my hobbies would be? A: Sports, Drinking, Hanging out, Go fishing



Day two:

1. Q: What do you think my name would be? A: Erica, Tracy, Grace, Irene, Diana

2. Q: What do you think my major would be? A: Finance, Mathematics, History, Political Science, Marketing

3. Q: What do you think my personality would be? A: Serious, passionate, friendly

4. Q: What do you think my hobbies would be? A: Reading books, traveling, Watching movies, Drinking



Day three:

1. Q: What do you think my name would be? A: Abby, Catherine, Alisa, Sabrina, Iris

2. Q: What do you think my major would be? A: International business, Environment Science, Textiles, Education, Accounting

3. Q: What do you think my personality would be? A: out-going, lightful, enthusiastic

4. Q: What do you think my hobbies would be? A: Hanging out with friends, foods, dancing, Watching TV shows


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